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IPPS poster prizes 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Nara, Japan

The International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS) has the tradition to award prizes for the best three posters at the World Congress for Parasitic Plants. This year at the 17th WCPP in Nara, poster prizes were awarded to: 1st Poster Prize (500 EUR): Akiyoshi Yoda, Tohoku Univ: Regulation of strigolactone as a symbiotic rhizosphere signal in […]

June 15, 2024
17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Nara, Japan

The 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants (WCPP) took place in Nara, Japan, from 3-7 June, 2024. About 160 participants from all continents (except Antarctica) attended the meeting, 140 of which on site. The meeting was superbly organised by a local organising team, led by Satoko Yoshida (Chair; NAIST), Atsushi Okazawa (Vice chair; Osaka Metro. […]

18th WCPP will take place in Brazil

We are delighted to announce that the 18th World Congress on Parasitic Plants will take place Ilha Bela, Brazil in 2026. The meeting will be organized in a collaborative effort by Gregorio Ceccantini (USP, Brazil), Domancar Orona-Tamayo (CIATEC, Mexico), and Francisco Fonturbel (PUVC, Chile). We look forward to welcoming many parasitic plant enthusiasts and share exciting […]

June 7, 2024
Location for 18th WCPP in 2026

We are asking the IPPS community to select the location of the 18th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, scheduled for 2026 to take place in Southern or Northern America. We have two outstanding candidate locations: Ilha Bela, Brazil – organized by Gregorio Ceccantini (USP, Brazil), Domancar Orona-Tamayo (CIATEC, Mexico), and Francisco Fonturbel (PUVC, Chile). San Diego, USA […]

IPPS General Assembly 4 June 2024 from 20.00-21.00 (Nara time)

The IPPS General Assembly will be held on Tuesday 4 June from 20.00-21.00 during the WCPP in Nara, Japan. We hope to see many members attend on site. Members that can not attend in person can attend through zoom. You can find the zoomlink on the IPPS website member area. Sign in as member and […]

June 3, 2024
From Haustorium 85: CRISPR-edited crops break new ground in Africa. Scientists in the global south use the popular technique to protect local crops against local threats

Molecular biologist Steven Runo once thought that his team would make history as the first to plant gene-edited seeds in African soil. The competition turned out to be stiffer than he’d anticipated. A research group working on maize ‘beat us by two or three months’, says Runo, who works at Kenyatta University in Nairobi and […]

June 1, 2024
From Haustorium 85: Parasitic weeds threaten tomato plants on Californian farms

At first glance, Orobanche ramosa looks like an interesting blossoming plant, one that could add a unique flair to flower arrangements. But it’s a parasitic weed that attaches to roots, sucks out nutrients and is threatening California’s lucrative $1.5 billion processing tomato industry. Its resurgence is concern for state regulators and industry, which is helping […]

From Haustorium 85: Gebisa Ejeta honored for service to nation in research of plant genetics

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – President Joe Biden on Tuesday (Oct. 24) awarded the National Medal of Science to Gebisa Ejeta, Distinguished Professor of Plant Breeding & Genetics and International Agriculture, executive director of the Purdue Center for Global Food Security and Purdue University Presidential Fellow for Food Security and Sustainable Global Development. The award is […]

Polls open for IPPS Executive Committee Election 2024

We are delighted to announce the opening of the polls for the 2024 Executive Committee (EC) election, seeking community-approved individuals to fill the roles of Vice President, Secretary, and two Members at Large. These esteemed positions entail a four-year term, with the exception of the Vice President, who serves an eight-year commitment. This extended tenure […]

May 21, 2024
Travel grants awarded – 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–7 June 2024, Nara, Japan, .

The IPPS and the WCPP2024 local organizing committee have awarded six IPPS fellowships to: The IPPS fellowship consists of a 1,000 Euro IPPS contribution to travel costs and WCPP funded waiver of the registration fee. The fellowship is intended for early carrier scientists for applicants coming from low- and middle-income countries. The WCPPs are a […]

March 31, 2024
IPPS Executive Committee Election 2024

We are delighted to announce the commencement of the nomination process for the 2024 Executive Committee (EC) election. This is an exceptional opportunity for committed members like yourself to actively shape the future trajectory and success of our organization. In 2024, the following positions within the IPPS Executive Committee will conclude their term of service: […]

March 24, 2024
Reminder: application open for travel grants for the 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–7 June 2024, Nara, Japan. Deadline 29 February.

The IPPS and the WCPP2024 local organizing committee offer two types of travel grants for outstanding PhD students and early-career researchers. The WCPPs are a series of biennial meetings with a long tradition, providing opportunities to exchange information and discuss new discoveries among experts of parasitic plants. WCPP17 will cover a wide range of topics […]

February 19, 2024
Application open for travel grants for the 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–7 June 2024, Nara, Japan

The IPPS and the WCPP2024 local organizing committee offer two types of travel grants for outstanding PhD students and early-career researchers. The WCPPs are a series of biennial meetings with a long tradition, providing opportunities to exchange information and discuss new discoveries among experts of parasitic plants. WCPP17 will cover a wide range of topics […]

January 24, 2024
Registration open for the 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–7 June 2024, Nara, Japan

Registration is now open for the 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants (WCPP17), which will be held 3-7 June, 2024 in Nara, Japan. IPPS members will receive a discount on the registration fee. Early bird registration deadline : February 29, 2024Regular registration deadline : April 30, 2024Registration deadline for online participants : May 31, 2024 […]

December 9, 2023
IPPS seminar December 6, 2023 at 4 PM cet

The 5th 2023 IPPS seminar will held on Wednesday 6 December at 4:00 pm central European time. We will have the following talks: Jeanmaire Molina, from Pace University, USA will present work on “Reviving the corpse flower: unraveling the enigmatic biology of the iconic plant parasite Rafflesia for ex situ conservation” Jian You (Eric) Wang, […]

November 27, 2023
The 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–7 June 2024, Nara, Japan

On behalf of the International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS), it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants (WCPP17), which will be held 3-7 June, 2024 in Nara, Japan. The WCPPs are a series of biennial meetings with a long tradition that started in Malta in 1973, providing […]

October 18, 2023
IPPS seminar and General Assembly July 5, 2023 at 4 PM cet

The 4th 2023 monthly IPPS seminar will be combined with the IPPS General Assembly on Wednesday 5 July at 4:00 pm central European time. We will have the following talks: Elvin Elizabeth Mulaa – Genetic diversity, Virulence and Cross-host interactions of Striga hermonthica and Natsumi Aoki – Multiple signaling pathways for prehaustorium induction in Orobanchaceae parasitic plants […]

July 2, 2023
From Haustorium 83: Birdlife Australia working with Aboriginal land council to return mistletoe to burnt woodlands

Mistletoe is often associated with Christmas, yet native mistletoe is something of an unsung hero when it comes to woodland birds. It provides food, shelter, and nest sites, including for the critically endangered regent honeyeater, but repeated bushfires in recent years have wiped it out from a key breeding area in New South Wales’ Lower […]

June 29, 2023
From Haustorium 83: Parasitic plants in medicine

Although Haustorium does no longer cover the literature on the use of parasitic plants in medicine It is very striking, however, how the literature on therapeutic uses dominates the literature. Are parasitic plants over-represented simply because their lifestyle suggests special properties? Or are they really special? For further reading see Haustorium 83 […]

IPPS seminar June 7, 2023 at 4 PM cet

James Bradley and Sylvia Mutunda The 3rd 2023 monthly IPPS seminar will be held Wednesday 7 June at 4:00 pm central European time. You can use this website for time zone conversion. The next seminar will take place on 5 July, combined with the IPPS General Assembly. On 7 June we will have the following […]

May 20, 2023
IPPS seminar May 3, 2023 at 4 PM cet

Hanan Eizenberg and Ahmet Uludag The 2nd 2023 monthly IPPS seminar will be held Wednesday 3 May at 4:00 pm central European time. You can use this website for time zone conversion. The next seminars will take place on 7 June and 5 July, combined with the IPPS General Assembly. On 3 May we will […]

May 2, 2023
The IPPS seminars start again on April 5, 2023 at 4 PM cet

After a break, in which we had the 16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants in Nairobi, Kenya, the Executive Committee of the IPPS is happy to announce we are resuming our monthly IPPS seminar series, starting Wednesday 5 April. As with the previous series, talks will be every 1st Wednesday of the month at 4:00 […]

March 20, 2023
From Haustorium 82: Natural super glue from mistletoe berries

A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (MPICI) and McGill University in Canada discovered strong adhesive properties of white-berry mistletoe. The mistletoe berry’s flexible fibers adhere to both skin and cartilage as well as to various synthetic materials and could find application in many fields, such as wound sealant […]

March 5, 2023
From Haustorium 82: Parasitic plants. Should gorillas be concerned?

Orobanche minor, small broomrape, is found throughout much of East Africa and parasitizes a diversity of hosts. Of particular interest in Rwanda is its parasitism of Peucedanum linderi, wild celery, a main food of mountain gorillas. Small broomrape parasitizing wild celery in a garden of plants favored by mountain gorillas. The broomrape is just above […]

From Haustorium 82: Some parasitic plants of Rwanda – decoration or damage?

Parasitic plants have received little attention in Rwanda. Two species of Striga are known and cause considerable crop loss in some regions. Striga hermonthica occurs in the southern part of the country where it has been reported to damage grains. I have seen S. asiatica in the vicinity of the village of Mbyo where families […]

The 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–7 June 2024, Nara, Japan

On behalf of the International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS), it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants (WCPP17), which will be held 3-7 June, 2024 in Nara, Japan. The WCPPs are a series of biennial meetings with a long tradition that started in Malta in 1973, providing […]

January 29, 2023
Poll to find best date for WCPP17 in Nara, Japan

The Society and the local meeting organizers ask all members to help us find the best meeting data for the next International Congress on Parasitic Plants, to be held in Nara, Japan. Members can access the poll in the member-only section (login required). We have two candidate dates in June or July, 2024. To find […]

September 2, 2022
WCPP16 Poster Prizes go to Japan and Kenya

It is a tradition to award the best three posters at the World Congress for Parasitic Plants, supported by the International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS). This year at WCPP16 in Nairobi (Kenya), judging was particularly challenging for the jury, as the actual poster presentation by the authors could not be considered in order to ensure […]

July 26, 2022
IPPS awards Honorary Fellowship to five members

At the occasion of the 16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants held 3-8 July 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya, the IPPS has awarded Honorary Fellowships to (from left to right) Julie Scholes, Dan Nickrent, Abdelgabar Babiker (posthumous), Jonathan Gressel and Barach Rubin. They received this award for their service to the society and their important contributions […]

July 9, 2022
16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–8 July 2022, Nairobi, Kenya a great success

Last week from 3–8 July, 2022 the 16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants was held in Nairobi, Kenya. Over a 100 participants, mostly on site, partially online, listened to a range of scientific presentations on parasitic plants, from wild, endangered, species to damaging agricultural weeds, and from ecology to molecular biology and control. This first […]

IPPS travel grants for 16th WCPP in Nairobi

The IPPS is providing travel grants to support students and young researchers from developing countries to attend the 16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants in Nairobi. Applicants must comply with the following conditions: You are an Early Career Scientist (e.g. MSc student, Ph.D. student, post-doc) You have registered to attend the WCPP and have submitted […]

June 16, 2022
IPPS Seminar #12 with Mike Axtell, Claire Baker, and David Sands on May 4, 2022, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on April 06, 2022 at 3:00 PM GMT*: Talk #1: Mike Axtell  (PennState University, USA) – Molecular evolution and transcriptional control of trans-species microRNA from Cuscuta campestris Talk #2: Claire Baker & Dave Sands (Toothpick project) – Control […]

May 3, 2022
IPPS Seminar #11 with Benjamin Thiombiano and Satoshi Ogawa on April 6, 2022, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on April 06, 2022 at 3:00 PM GMT*: Talk #1: Benjamin Thiombiano  (University of Amsterdam, NL) – to be announced Talk #2: Satoshi Ogawa (RIKEN, Japan) – to be announced The Zoom link can be accessed from […]

March 28, 2022
IPPS Seminar #10 with Luiza Teixeira and Runxian Yu on March 2, 2022, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on March 02, 2022 at 3:00 PM GMT*: Talk #1: Luiza Teixeira-Costa  (Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Germany) – New perspectives in haustorium structure and evolution across parasitic flowering plants Talk #2: Runxian Yu (CAS, Beijing) – The minicircular and extremely heteroplasmic mitogenome […]

February 27, 2022
Change of date: 16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, 3–8 July 2022, Nairobi, Kenya

We are delighted to inform you that the 16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants will be held from 3–8 July, 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting will be blended so people can attend on location as well as online. We hope to see as many of you as possible on location to fully use the […]

February 7, 2022
IPPS Seminar #9 with Dorota Kawa on Feb 2, 2022, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on February 02, 2022 at 3:00 PM GMT*: Talk #1: Dorota Kawa (UC Davis, USA) – Mechanisms of microbe-induced resistance to Striga in sorghum The Zoom link can be accessed from this site in the IPPS Members-only Area (login required). […]

January 30, 2022
IPPS Seminar #8 with Kateřina Knotková and Emily Bellis on Dec 1, 2021, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on December 1, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT*: Talk #1: Kateřina Knotková (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) – Interactions between parasitic plants and invasive hosts: the experimental evidenceg molecules for combating Striga Talk #2: Emily Bellis (Arkansas State University) – Evolution […]

November 28, 2021
IPPS Seminar #7 features Stephane Munoz and Salim Al-Babili on Nov 3, 2021, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on November 3, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT*: Talk #1: Salim Al-Babili (SA) – Harnessing hormones and signaling molecules for combating Striga Talk #2: Stéphane Muños (FR) – Use of the genetic diversity within Helianthus for the resistance […]

October 31, 2021
IPPS Seminar #6 features Thomas Spallek and Immaculate Mwangangi on Oct 6, 2021, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on October 6, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (3:00 PM GMT = 8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota, 11:00 AM New York; 12:00AM Brasilia/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM […]

September 29, 2021
IPPS Seminar #5 features Soyon Park, Nicoleta Muchira, and Damaris Odeny on Sep 1, 2021, 3 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the next round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on September 1, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM […]

August 31, 2021
IPPS seminar #4 by Francisco Fontúrbel and Min-Yao Jhu, 4 August 2021, 3:00 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the fourth round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on August 2, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM […]

July 28, 2021
IPPS seminar: Francisco E. Fontúrbel – Cascade impacts of climate change on ecological interactions: lessons from a keystone mistletoe

IPPS Online Seminar Series August 4, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM (next day) Canberra) Climate change is triggering ecological responses all over the world as a result […]

IPPS seminar: Min-Yao Jhu – LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES DOMAIN 25 functions as a key regulator of haustorium development in Cuscuta campestris

IPPS Online Seminar Series August 4, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM (next day) Canberra) Cuscuta campestris is a stem parasite that attaches to its host, using haustoria […]

Gender dimorphism in the virulence of a dioecious mistletoe

K.C. Burns, International Journal for Parasitology Parasite virulence often differs between male and female hosts. However, less is known about how virulence might differ between male and female parasites. Here, I show that female plants of the dioecious mistletoe Misodendrum quadrifolium (Misodendraceae) grow larger than male plants. Correspondingly, females reduce the photosynthetic capacity of infected […]

IPPS seminar #3 by Vivian Bernal-Galeano and Natalia Pabón-Mora, 07 July 2021, 3:00 PM GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the third round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on July 07, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, […]

July 4, 2021
IPPS seminar: Natalia Pabón-Mora – Natural history and genomics in Pilostyles (Apodanthaceae), the smallest endoholo-parasitic plants on Earth

IPPS Online Seminar Series July 07, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM (next day) Canberra) The Apodanthaceae comprises two genera and eleven endoholoparasitic species. The exclusively […]

July 3, 2021
IPPS seminar: Vivian Bernal-Galeano – An artificial host system for growing and studying Cuscuta

IPPS Online Seminar Series July 07, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM (next day) Canberra) Cuscuta campestris is an obligate parasitic plant that requires a host […]

Royal Society Africa Prize Lecture 2020 with Dr Steven Runo

Dr Steven Runo in a crop field with parasitic weed Striga. Image credits: Joel Masanga […]

June 17, 2021
IPPS Online Seminar #2 by Songkui Cui and Jianqiang Wu on 2 June 2021 at 3.00 pm GMT

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the second round of talks of the IPPS Online Seminar Series on June 2, 2021, at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM […]

May 30, 2021
IPPS seminar: Songkui Cui – Host infection is mediated by ethylene signaling in the parasitic plant P. japonicum

IPPS Online Seminar June 2, 2021, at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM (next day) Canberra). Development of haustorium in parasitic plants involves intimate signaling interaction between host […]

May 29, 2021
IPPS seminar: Jianqiang Wu – Interactions between hosts and parasitic plant Cuscuta (dodder)

IPPS Online Seminar June 2, 2021, at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM (next day) Canberra). Cuscuta (dodder) species are worldwide distributed parasitic plants. Using a special organ, […]

IPPS Seminar Series to begin May 12, 3.00 pm GMT with Julie Scholes and Harro Bouwmeester

The International Parasitic Plant Society is pleased to host the first IPPS Online Seminar Series. International scientific exchange on the basis of regular society meetings and conferences is hindered by the Covid19 pandemic. The IPPS Online Seminar Series offers Society members an opportunity to learn about the most recent developments in parasitic plant research from […]

May 4, 2021
IPPS seminar: Harro Bouwmeester – The role of rhizosphere signaling in the host-parasitic plant interaction

IPPS online seminar May 12, 2021 at 3:00 PM GMT (8:00 AM Los Angeles, 10:00 AM Bogota/Brasilia, 11:00 AM New York/Santiago, 4:00 PM Abuja/London, 5:00 PM Amsterdam/Berlin/Cape Town, 6:00 PM Nairobi/Tel Aviv, 11:00 PM Beijing, 12:00 AM Tokio, 01:00 AM (next day) Canberra). The Orobanchaceae are obligate root parasitic plants that are completely dependent on a […]

May 3, 2021
An innovative model developed using satellite-based data and machine learning algorithms detects the parasitic Striga species within complex agroecological systems

Information on parasitic and non-parasitic weed occurrence within croplands is vital but is often unavailable to support weeding practices and improve cropland productivity assessments. Until now, few studies have been conducted to estimate weed abundances within agroecological systems from spaceborne images over wide-area landscapes, particularly for the genus Striga. In this study, we attempt to […]

April 9, 2021
16th WCPP postponed to 2022

Together with the organizers, the IPPS Executive Committee has decided to postpone the 16th World Congress of Parasitic Plants (WCPP) to 2022, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya. As Covid19 case numbers continue to surge in many parts of the world, it is unlikely that pandemic-related travel restrictions will be relieved soon, preventing many members […]

January 24, 2021
Renate Wesselingh is the new IPPS treasurer

Professor Renate Wesselingh (UC Louvain, Belgium) complete the Society’s Executive Committee as the new Treasurer, voted into office with 67 %. Renate graduated as an ecologist from the University’s of Groningen (NL) and Leiden (NL) and gathered postdoc experience in Costa Rica and the USA. Since 2000, Renate is a professor in Belgium, where her work […]

IPPS Advisory Board confirmed

The members of the International Society of Parasitic Plants have confirmed the IPPS Advisory Board with great majority and voted its distinguished members Koichi Yoneyama (Ehime University, Japan), Neelima Sinha (UC Davis, USA), Julie Scholes (The University of Sheffield, UK), and Jim Westwood (Virginia Tech, USA) into office. Together, these members form an advisory body for the Executive Committee for all matters […]

From Haustorium 79: Tenbury mistletoe auction cancelled for first time in more than 150 years

A famous mistletoe auction has been cancelled this year for the first time in 160 years. The Tenbury Wells Mistletoe Festival, which celebrates the town’s connection to the sale of holly and mistletoe – and goes back more than ahundred years – has also had to be cancelled. A spokesperson for the Tenbury Wells Mistletoe […]

January 2, 2021
From Haustorium 79: International year of plant health: Plant of the month September, Striga

Striga is a devastating parasitic weed that attacks food crops in sub-Saharan Africa such as rice, sorghum and millet. It affects 40% of Africa’s arable savanna region, and is a major cause of food insecurity and poverty. Tackling the plant health problems experienced by rural susbistence farmers requires an extra level of local collaboration and […]

Members action needed to approve the new IPPS Advisory Board

The Society asks all its members to approve the new IPPS Advisory Board. According to the majority of nominations, the IPPS Advisory Board should consist of four of its distinguished members: Koichi Yoneyama (Ehime University, Japan), Neelima Sinha (UC Davis, USA), Julie Scholes (The University of Sheffield, UK), and Jim Westwood (Virginia Tech, USA). In […]

December 22, 2020
Election for IPPS Treasurer

The International Parasitic Plant Society asks all its member to vote a new IPPS treasurer. Three candidates, Professor Rosemary Ahom (Nigeria), Professor Ahmed Uludag (Turkey), and Prof. Renate Wesselingh (Belgium) put themselves up for election. Their profiles are available at the Society’s new polling page in the members area. Clicking here or on any of […]

December 17, 2020
Nominations for IPPS Treasurer

The International Parasitic Plant Society invites all IPPS members to nominated suitable candidates for the position of Treasurer. The IPPS Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee and handles all financial matters of the Society. This responsibility includes the collection of membership fees, preparation of annual financial statements, and the administration of the Society’s liquidity (capital situation). The […]

October 2, 2020
New president of the IPPS

Prof. Dr. Harro Bouwmeester has taken up his work as new president of the IPPS. As head of the society, he will preside the execute committee, appoint special committees, and maintain liaison to ensure Society business. It will be Harro Bouwmeester’s responsibility to keep the Advisory Board and Society members informed of significant Society activities […]

September 22, 2020
Nominations for the IPPS Advisory Board

The International Parasitic Plant Society seeks four new members for its Advisory Board and invites all IPPS members to nominate suitable candidates. Advisory Board members are IPPS members with large experience and international network in parasitic plant research. Advisory Board members serve for four years. The IPPS Advisory Board will advise on all matters associated with the […]

September 5, 2020
New IPPS Executive Committee members elected

The Society is pleased to announce the results of its recent elections for the Executive Committee:  Prof. Dr. Harro Bouwmeester (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands), is now President.  Dr. Jonne Rodenburg (University of Greenwich, UK) has been elected as Vice President.  Prof. Dr. Pradeepa Bandaranayake (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), will be Member at Large, […]

General Assembly of International Parasitic Plant Society on 25 August 2020

The IPPS Executive Committee is pleased to invite all members to the first online General Assembly of the IPPS on Tuesday, 25 August 2020, 3.00-4.30 pm CET. As indicated on the IPPS Constitution, we aim to organize our General Assembly more regularly. Therefore, we have decided to organize an online General Assembly every two years, […]

August 4, 2020
Election of Secretary of the IPPS

The Society asks all its members to elect a new Secretary of the IPPS by August 12, 2020 using the following link: The nominees for this position are: (in alphabetical order of their family name) – Dr. Ahmet Auludag, Professor at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey – Dr Mónica Fernández-Aparicio, Researcher at Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, CSIC, in Córdoba, Spain – Dr. […]

August 2, 2020
Election of Vice President of the IPPS

The Society asks all its members to elect a new Vice President of the IPPS by August 12, 2020 under the following link: The nominees for this position are: (in alphabetical order of their family name) – Dr. Markus Albert, Full Professor at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany – Dr. Jonne Rodenburg, Associate Professor at University of Greenwich, UK […]

16th World Congress on Parasitic plants to take place in Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya, has been selected as the next venue for the 16th World Congress on Parasitic Plants!  Nairobi is a major conference destination, which has been named Africa’s leading business destination twice by the Annual World Travel Award. The city is well served by a superb network of air, road and rail transport. The main […]

June 3, 2020
From Haustorium 77: The Striga from ‘The Witcher’ – the monster & curse explained

The Witcher series is a Polish and literary phenomenon written by Andrzej Sapkowski. Here’s a little background; a Striga, from what we know, is a woman that’s been cursed to transform into a horrid creature at night. Want to read more? See Haustorium 77, available in the Member area. […]

January 29, 2020
From Haustorium 76: Mistletoe (Viscum album) and its hosts in Britain

Viscum album, the only native British mistletoe, is rich in associated folklore, and commercially important for the Christmas markets and its medicinal uses. Like all mistletoes, it is a hemiparasite, photosynthetic, and attached only to the host xylem, initial contact with which stimulates hypertrophy of the host tissue. It is hence a gallcauser, inducing variable […]

January 19, 2020
From Haustorium 76: Dodder plant poses threat to trees and crops

Kakamega Forest Senior Manager George Aimo said the dodder plant is a major threat to trees and crops. When Samuel Onyango, a smallholder farmer from Kisumu County, first noticed yellowish spaghetti-like leafless vines hanging loosely on his fence some three years ago, he did not bother about them. Little did he know that it was […]

New member at large Luiza Teixeira-Costa, PhD

My research in parasitic plant biology encompasses the broad diversity of these plants, from mistletoes, to the cryptic Rafflesiaceae, and the widely known Cuscuta. Using a variety of methods, from plant morphology and physiology, to phylogenetic analyses, I investigate haustorium development and evolution across the different clades among which parasitic plants have evolved. I’m also interested […]

January 18, 2020
New paper: Compensatory sequence variation between trans-species small RNAs and their target sites

Link to paper By: Nathan R Johnson, Claude W dePamphilis, Michael J Axtell Trans-species small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) are delivered to host plants from diverse pathogens and parasites and can target host mRNAs. How trans-species sRNAs can be effective on diverse hosts has been unclear. Multiple species of the parasitic plant Cuscuta produce trans-species sRNAs that collectively target many […]

January 15, 2020
New paper: Growth-defense tradeoffs and source-sink relationship during both faba bean and lentil interactions with Orobanche crenata Forsk

Link to paper by: Mounia Ennami, Joseph Mbasani-mansi, Fatima Zahra Briache, Nada Oussible, Fatima Gaboun, Lamiae Ghaouti, Loubna Belqadi, Michel Edmond Ghanem, Kamal Aberkani, James Westwood, Rachid Mentag   Orobanche infections reduce biomass of hosts at the first stages of infection on both contrasting faba bean cultivars. It is likely that plant growth-defense tradeoffs have a […]