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IPPS poster prizes 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Nara, Japan

The International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS) has the tradition to award prizes for the best three posters at the World Congress for Parasitic Plants. This year at the 17th WCPP in Nara, poster prizes were awarded to:

1st Poster Prize (500 EUR): Akiyoshi Yoda, Tohoku Univ: Regulation of strigolactone as a symbiotic rhizosphere signal in Marchantia paleacea

2nd Poster Prize (300 EUR): Oliver Dayou, HU Berlin: Multidimensional insights into the parasitic strategies of Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (vampire weed, Orobanchaceae)

3rd poster Prize (200 EUR): Masato Homma, Kobe Univ: A novel non-canonical strigolactone from cowpea is biosynthesized from orobanchol through C-ring cleavage

Congratulations to the winners and all involved team members!!

The posters were evaluated by five poster judges regarding clarity, relevance, originality and novelty, and the overall research quality.