New IPPS Executive Committee members elected

The Society is pleased to announce the results of its recent elections for the Executive Committee that will start its service to the IPPS from 1 August 2024: The position for Treasurer was not up for election, and Prof. dr. Renate Wesselingh (University of Louvain, Belgium) will continue her service to the IPPS in that […]

IPPS poster prizes 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Nara, Japan

The International Parasitic Plant Society (IPPS) has the tradition to award prizes for the best three posters at the World Congress for Parasitic Plants. This year at the 17th WCPP in Nara, poster prizes were awarded to: 1st Poster Prize (500 EUR): Akiyoshi Yoda, Tohoku Univ: Regulation of strigolactone as a symbiotic rhizosphere signal in […]

17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, Nara, Japan

The 17th World Congress on Parasitic Plants (WCPP) took place in Nara, Japan, from 3-7 June, 2024. About 160 participants from all continents (except Antarctica) attended the meeting, 140 of which on site. The meeting was superbly organised by a local organising team, led by Satoko Yoshida (Chair; NAIST), Atsushi Okazawa (Vice chair; Osaka Metro. […]

18th WCPP will take place in Brazil

We are delighted to announce that the 18th World Congress on Parasitic Plants will take place Ilha Bela, Brazil in 2026. The meeting will be organized in a collaborative effort by Gregorio Ceccantini (USP, Brazil), Domancar Orona-Tamayo (CIATEC, Mexico), and Francisco Fonturbel (PUVC, Chile). We look forward to welcoming many parasitic plant enthusiasts and share exciting […]

Location for 18th WCPP in 2026

We are asking the IPPS community to select the location of the 18th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, scheduled for 2026 to take place in Southern or Northern America. We have two outstanding candidate locations: Ilha Bela, Brazil – organized by Gregorio Ceccantini (USP, Brazil), Domancar Orona-Tamayo (CIATEC, Mexico), and Francisco Fonturbel (PUVC, Chile). San Diego, USA […]

From Haustorium 85: CRISPR-edited crops break new ground in Africa. Scientists in the global south use the popular technique to protect local crops against local threats

Molecular biologist Steven Runo once thought that his team would make history as the first to plant gene-edited seeds in African soil. The competition turned out to be stiffer than he’d anticipated. A research group working on maize ‘beat us by two or three months’, says Runo, who works at Kenyatta University in Nairobi and […]

From Haustorium 85: Parasitic weeds threaten tomato plants on Californian farms

At first glance, Orobanche ramosa looks like an interesting blossoming plant, one that could add a unique flair to flower arrangements. But it’s a parasitic weed that attaches to roots, sucks out nutrients and is threatening California’s lucrative $1.5 billion processing tomato industry. Its resurgence is concern for state regulators and industry, which is helping […]

From Haustorium 85: Gebisa Ejeta honored for service to nation in research of plant genetics

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – President Joe Biden on Tuesday (Oct. 24) awarded the National Medal of Science to Gebisa Ejeta, Distinguished Professor of Plant Breeding & Genetics and International Agriculture, executive director of the Purdue Center for Global Food Security and Purdue University Presidential Fellow for Food Security and Sustainable Global Development. The award is […]

Polls open for IPPS Executive Committee Election 2024

We are delighted to announce the opening of the polls for the 2024 Executive Committee (EC) election, seeking community-approved individuals to fill the roles of Vice President, Secretary, and two Members at Large. These esteemed positions entail a four-year term, with the exception of the Vice President, who serves an eight-year commitment. This extended tenure […]